Welcome To SCNB Woodlink
Wood Exploitation and Processing
About Us
SCNB Woodlink is a forestry company and sawmill that deals with the exploitation and processing of timber like Ayous, Azobe, Bibolo, Bilinga, Bubinga, Cotali, Doussie, Ebony, Iroko, Kosipo, Okan, Pachyloba, Padauk, Sapelli,Tali, etc to various parts of the world like Asia, America, Europe.
The Company has certifications ranging from exploitation, processing, and exportation license which covers all the various aspects of the forestation business.
It is of crucial importance to note that the company Woodlink CAM is the sister company to SCNB that is, Woodlink Cameroon operates as a sawmill while SCNB is out for exploitation. SCNB and Woodlink Cameroon were both founded by the same founder and operate as one hence the name SCNB Woodlink.
SCNB stands for Societe Camerounaise de Negoce de Bois.
Our Products
Azobe, Ayous, Bibolo, Bilinga, Bubinga, Cotali, Dabema, Doussie, Ebony, Fraket, Iroko, Kosipo, Moabi, Okan, Okoume, Pachyloba, Padauk, Sapelli, Sipo, Tali, Teak, Tiama, Wenge etc.
31 years of Forest Exploitation with Quality and Sustainability at its Best